Monday, June 27, 2011

Lots of yardwork to be done

I finally got the truckload of mulch for the flowerbeds and the new playground area. I will take a few days to get all of this spread out but it will be so worth it.

The playground that once sat here...
Is being relocated to the area behind the garage. I spent the day tearing apart the old swingset, which was held together with nails, and moving the sand/mulch to the new area. We will be redoing the swingset, using screws and new braces. I will also be adding a small patio and fire pit to this area.

The gardens and containers are doing wonderful, with all the cool weather and rain I haven't had to do much watering. I'm not very good at remembering to water all of them so they may begin to suffer as the hot months settle in.

I spent an afternoon/evening cleaning out this flower bed, removing the vines that had taken over the wall and trees.

Working in the antique store has allowed me to grab up some pretty cool containers for the garden. One of my favorites is the old chicken water/feeder.

The raised beds look awesome. After coming home from vacation to find them invaded by weeds we have cleaned them out and are finally getting some fruits from our labor. The strawberries are suppose to be the kids' responsibilities (I'm allergic) but it looks like I might need to remind them to pick them.

The tomato plants have really grown, just a couple inches shorter than the sunflowers, they aren't giving any ripe fruit quite yet but they are about 4 feet tall. We have had some onions, jalapenos, and wax peppers on the grill already.

I noticed about 10 cherry tomatoes just turning this morning.

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