Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome Spring

I am so ready for spring. Although I am new to the whole gardening chore, I have found that if I am willing to get my hands dirty and not be afraid to experiment I enjoy the task. When we first moved into this house it had beautiful shrubs and hostas in the front, but the rest of the landscaping left a lot to be desired. I have since put in two large shade gardens, a wildflower patch, and tried my hand at a container garden. Two winters ago we had a severe ice storm that broke off all the upper branches on the shrubs that were so beautiful when we first moved into the house. Since they have not recovered we will be removing them. The hostas will also be transplanted. I have been researching what type of plant would do well in the early morning sun and afternoon/evening shade. To my delight I found that one of my favorite plants, the Hydrangea, fits into that category perfectly. I planted a hydrangea bush two summers ago but it hardly bloomed at all last year. I couldn't figure out why until I stumbled upon this amazing website

I had planted the bush in my shade garden where it barely got any sunlight. I look forward to moving it and purchasing more for the front landscaping.
This is the Blue Mophead variety that I will be hopefully purchasing for our garden. I still have researching to do but this is probably my favorite.

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