Thursday, March 10, 2011

I wanted to be a writer once

When I was in Jr. High I decided that I was going to be a famous writer. Why? Well because I had a love of reading and thought it would be easy. I wrote poems and my one and only novel. This novel sits in a box in my basement and I secretly hope my children never find it. It is more a diary than a novel, the main character has many of my experiences only she is able to do the things I could never had imagined possible for me to do. I quickly learned that my horrible grammar and the inability to put my thoughts down on paper were not going to launch me into a life as an author and I would never see my name on the Best Seller list. I am now trying my hand at being a Blogger. I am finding my inabilities are again holding me back. I want write the blog posts that make you laugh. I want to share my family experiences with you. I want to write what is on my heart, but I find it more difficult every time I sit down at the computer. I read blogs posts that make me laugh out loud, some that make me cry, and then others that make me want to do the projects or activities they write about. I want to be one of those Bloggers.

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