Thursday, June 18, 2009


I had so many plans for the side shade garden this year, but haven't been able to do anything myself and can't talk the kids into helping either! I had hoped to add more perennials, a picket fence and arbor, lots of colorful annuals but as you can see it isn't very colorful. It is a huge improvement from 3 years ago when it was a rocky mud hole, but not quite where I would like it to be. Miss Brainy has a couple friends that may be willing to help out so I may be enlisting in their help to get the fence up and painted, might cost me a little more than pizza and
soda this time around.
My hanging baskets and new baskets on the railing are looking really good, except when I forgot to water them last week. We have been getting so much rain lately that I was slacking off and forgot that they would dry out faster. They did bounce back quickly, so no harm no foul.
I picked up this cute little tray at an antique store for $4 and thought it looked good with a few impatiens in it. I moved my furniture around and now I can sit outside when it is raining, which I love. Usually I can be outside by myself, since I am really the only one who loves storms, it is the perfect get-away. I got the large wire-basket on clearance last year at Hobby Lobby for $12, with intentions to hang it on the garage, but I think I like it here better. I picked up the enamel bowls and teapot from my favorite antique store, Antiques Paradise, for less than $5 a piece. I used them last year on the patio but found that they dry out very quickly in the sun so I moved them to the front porch this year. I am thinking about giving the bench a coat of cream or green paint but haven't decided yet.
Little Buddy helped me plant some more hanging baskets. I noticed that in all of the recent images he is wearing this shirt, he does own more clothes, it just happens to be a favorite.
I bought him a pair of Diego gardening gloves last year and he knew exactly where they were, so he asked to help. He does a pretty darn good job!

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