Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The shirt says it all
I have mentioned before that my youngest, Little Buddy, is allergic to peanuts. He had is first allergic reaction, which was very severe, the first time he ate a peanut butter sandwich. After that visit to the emergency room we took him to a allergist where they tested him, finding out that he was indeed allergic to peanuts and to cats. We currently carry an EpiPen Jr. and Benadryl for him, as well as have them available at Bryan's parents and at preschool. So far he has only once came in contact with something that resulted in a minor reaction, hives and minor rash, which was cleared up with a dose of Benadryl. We have been very lucky, but we are also very diligent in watching what he eats. We carry snacks for him in his bag so that he always has a substitute if he is offered a snack that we know he can't have or is questionable. The other kids even know to check before giving him anything to eat. We try to keep our home peanut free, but with snacks and treats coming home from school or parties it is hard to do. We are lucky that he has not had to go to daycare, Bryan's mom or sister watch him and they both are great about watching what he eats and they know how to administer the Benadryl and EpiPen. His preschool has done everything possible to keep him safe. They have me check every package of snacks they plan on serving the kids and have made their school as peanut free as possible. I sent half dozen cupcakes at the beginning of the year, Miss Carolyn has them at her home in the freezer, whenever one of his classmates bring birthday treats she goes home and gets one of his special cupcakes. That is what I would call going above and beyond!!
I found a link to these cool shirts- http://jeeto.com/allergycollection.html
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Barn Star
I have a little bit of an addiction to these tin barn stars, I would have some in every room if I could. I bought this one at a local antique store for $11. It was just a simple tin star. I wanted to dress it up for the new Laundry/Bathroom so I gave it a couple coats of cream paint. Then I pulled out my huge stack of scrapbook paper and chose some that had both yellow and blues. I used Modge Podge to adhere the paper to the star. All that is needed is a clear coat of lacquer, but I will wait until it is warm outside so that I can use a spray can.
I can't wait to see this hanging in the laundry room!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Would you happen to have?
For the last week I have been working on the downstairs bathroom/laundry room. I needed to finish the drywall that Bryan had started, scrape the popcorn ceiling, paint the cabinet and window trim, fix the hardwood floor, paint the ceiling and walls, add some shelving and trim, add new lighting fixtures, and then the fun will begin-DECORATING!! So far I have the drywall almost complete, the ceiling has been scraped, and the window and cabinet has been painted.
I need to get things going because I bet Bryan that I would have my project finished before he could finish any of his half-done projects.
On to the reason behind the post, I am looking for a few items and I am unfortunately coming up empty handed. I would like to have 4-5 of these old Pool Baskets to hold some of the household supplies. I have tried ebay but I keep getting outbid in the last few minutes.
I am also looking for this cool Metal Laundry Soap Box, I have seen these online but only on Australian Stores websites. Someone posted online that they found one at T.J. Maxx, but I didn't have any luck in Lincoln, I went to a couple different houseware stores. If you have any of these items and wouldn't mind parting with them or know where I can buy them please please let me know!!